Here you are going to find all the assignments and homework.



Please check in what color is your name, Friday you must wear that color in order to participate in the Easter activities!!!

Thu 14


ST. PATRICK´S DAY ACTIVITY (100 hundred Irish said)

Fri 8

Spelling bee participants please study and practice the words, be confident...you are capable....remember the BEST part is to enjoy the process....you are going to do it JUST GREAT

Melanie Danaee Hernández Santacruz
Fernanda Aurora Mayorga Ortega
Santiago Matías Ibarra Rangel
Isabella Valenzuela Rodríguez
Samuel Valenzuela Rodríguez
 Miguel Ángel Morales Martínez.

Wed 6

***Please answer the following activities in your notebook, it is the reading and listening section of the test** Favor de contestar las siguientes actividades son de lectura y un audio, favor de copiar las preguntas y escribir la respuesta. Si NO pueden terminar hoy favor de enviar una imagen de las respuestas del alumno el día Jueves antes de las 7pm al correo institucional Mijares.oliviazuniga@gmail.com o una imagen por WhatsApp al 8717873668

Listening section

February 2024

Wed 28

****Check the SOURCES section for more info about telling time. *****

*Make a clock with cardboard or a plate
here are some examples...IMPORTANT Practice telling the time with your kids because they don't know how to read an analog clock not even in Spanish.

*Write the time of the following clocks, draw the arrows too.

Friday 23

Traer una DOCENA de huevos decorados para el día 11 Marzo para la actividad de PASCUA (EASTER) que se llevará a cabo el 22 de Marzo...posteriormente estaremos mandando el flyer del evento

Tuesday 20

**ALL students MUST learn and practice the spelling bee vocabulary** (abajo encontraras un video con la pronunciación de las letras en Inglés, el vocabulario del Spelling Bee y los audios de las palabras del mismo.

**Please check the sources section to practice the days of the week, months of the year and seasons.

Tuesday 13
We use THE  for singular and plural and specific nouns.

Articles: a, an, the
*Choose the correct answer. 

1. _______ elephant is a large mammal with a long trunk.
   a) An
   b) The
   c) A

2. Sarah has _______ pet cat that loves to chase butterflies in the garden.
   a) A
   b) An
   c) The

3. I saw _______ interesting movie last night with my family.
   a) A
   b) An
   c) The

4. Peter wants to be _______ astronaut when he grows up.
   a) An
   b) A
   c) The

5. Let's go to _______ park and play tennis.
   a) A
   b) The
   c) An

There is ,there are
*Choose the correct answer.

1. _______ three apples on the table.
   a) There is
   b) There are

2. _______ a rainbow in the sky after the rain.
   a) There is
   b) There are

3. In the garden, _______ colorful flowers blooming.
   a) There is
   b) There are

4. _______ a big tree in our backyard.
   a) There is
   b) There are

5. _______ five birds singing on the branch.
   a) There is
   b) There are

Practice how to say each letter, also practice the different sounds.

Tomorrow each student has to tell me the full alphabet with correct pronunciation.

Learn and practice the first column of the spelling bee.. EVERYBODY!!!! PRINT THE LIST!

Study and practice the spelling bee words, here are the audios and the PDF doc in case student lost his/her copy.

Jan 2024

Mon 29
Check the Sources section for more info about the topics

Fri 26
Check the sources section for extra videos and activities

*Study the present and past tense of regular and irregular verbs, look for their Spanish translation.


Tue 23
  • Punctuation marks: Fill with the correct question mark.
  1. Would you like to pet my dog_____ (!//?)
  2. The giraffe is my favorite animal_________ (.//!)
  3. Oh no____ (?//!)
  4. Tomorrow Henry will pack his lunch_______ (.// ?)
  5. What time will you be at the party_______ (!//?)
  6. I can't wait to see you_______ (.//!)
  7. Tina loves to eat cake________ (?//.)
  8. Are you watching the game tonight_________ (!//?)
  9. I love chocolate_______ (!//.)
  10. Do you like to skate_______ (.//?)
  11. This is my mom_____ (?//.)
  12. I like the color yellow_____ (!//.)
  13. Can you see the rainbow________ (!//?)

Tue 16
Mon 15
  • Identify the subject, predicate and verb of each sentence.
  1. The boy plays soccer every Monday.
  2. Mariana and Chery danced all night long.
  3. Sandra lived in Paris for two years.
  4. Ángel and Ricardo can read Braille language.
  5. My little sister was sick during the weekend.
  6. I washed my dirty clothes on Saturday.
  7. Miguel ate pizza with his friends.
  8. Denise speaks three languages: Spanish, French and English.
  9. Andrés worked as an English teacher for 3 years.
  10. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
  • Match each word with the correct definition.

Thu 11
  • Look for the past form of the verb in the second column of the verb list , also look for the Spanish translation of the first two columns.
  • complete page 74 from your book
  • Finish the sheets I gave you in class .If you did not come to class today you can print it 

Wed 10
  • Use the correct form of these verbs.Look for the meaning and Spanish translation of the verbs and other words you don't know.
boil// close// cost//drink// go// have// have// like// meet// open// speak// teach

  1. She's very smart. She speaks four languages.
  2. Steve___four cups of coffee a day.
  3. We usually____dinner at 7 o'clock.
  4. I ______ movies. I often______ to the movies with friends.
  5. Water _____ at 100 degrees Celsius.
  6. In my hometown the banks ______ at 9:00 in the morning.
  7. The City Museum ______ at 5 o'clock on Saturdays.
  8. Shoes are expensive. They ____ a lot of money.
  9. Sue is a teacher.She______ math to young children.
  10. An insect______ six legs.

  • Look for the past form of the first column of the follow verb list, also look for their Spanish translation.

FAVOR DE MANDAR A LOS NIÑOS CON pantalón térmico blanco y playera de manga larga blanca, tenis blancos , las balerinas solo las usaran para bailar!!!

El evento comienza 11 am, favor de que los niños lleguen máximo a las 10 am!

Please boys practice the dance!
baile.  link
mon 4
Pages 8 and 9
link Audio 1
2)A/AN or nothing
Fill in the blank with a/and or leave it in blank if necessary.Remember we use a in singular and when the following word starts with a consonant sound, we use an in singular and when the following words start with a vowel sound. When the noun is plural we don't use a or an.

1. There were many dogs in the park. One dog was ___ Dalmatian.

2. Pandas and ___ tigers are both endangered animals.

3. She is wearing ___ blue dress with red earrings

4. Hawaii is ___ island in the Pacific Ocean.

5. Christmas comes once ___ year.

6. ___ ant is __ insect.

7. The Nile is ___ river.

8. I went to the shop to get ___ bread.

9. He broke ___ glass when he was washing dishes.

10. You should take ___ umbrella.

Tue 28
Look for the Spanish translation of the following words
  • sleigh
  • fireplace
  • chimney
  • ribbon
  • cards
  • ornaments
  • lights
  • star
  • holly
  • ribbon
  • snowflake
Complete the following activity.

Thu 16
Christmas Dancing 
Please only boys are dancing in Chirstmas
Wed 15
Favor de mandar el dinero del traje navideño (sólo niños)el costo es de $420 incluye: overall, gorro y zapatos de elfo, ya uds solo necesitan ponerles playera de  manga larga ....Favor de mandar dinero para día jueves 16 o a mas tardar Viernes 17....Muchas gracias! les dejo mi tel para cualquier duda 8717873668

Tue 14
Please create a Thankful Turkey , we are going to decorate the room with them, so help kids to make it the prettiest they can... Make it MEDIUM size so we can hang ALL of them in the wall...
Here are some examples

Los NIÑOS van a participar en el festival de Navidad con un baile, (las niñas estarán con otro número a cargo de la maestra Elva) por favor enviar un recado en su cuaderno firmado por alguno de los padres autorizando la participación del niño, en caso de autorizar se comprometen a comprar el disfraz necesario para el festival , el costo aproximado es de $450 pesos, están por mandarme otros dos presupuestos, en cuanto los tenga se los haré llegar....Saludos

Mon 13
1)Explanation a//an Please help students to review the topic.

2)Complete the following activity in your notebook.

3)pilgrims full custom --traje completo de pilgrims

Thu 9
Custom for Thanksgiving Festival November 24th, time TBA(to be advice)

Tue 7
Watch the following videos to learn about Thanksgiving.

Please look for the meaning of each word and print if possible

Mon 6
Practice the Dance , kids are dancing during the Thanksgiving Festival on November 24th

October 2023

Mon 30
Fill in the gaps with there is // there are

  1. _______ seven books on the shelf.
  2. ________ a bag near the table.
  3. ________ cars between the buses.
  4. ________ six forks on the table.
  5. ________ a picture near the window.
  6. _________ many toys in the box.
  7. ________ a key in my bag.
  8. ______ ten apples on the table.
  9. ________ a dog under the chair.
  10. _______ eleven football players in a team.
Wed 25 
Write 10 sentences using a personal and a common noun.

Monday 23
Keep practicing the Imagine song, English and Spanish
Tue 17
Write 7 Proper Nouns
Write 7 common nouns
Write the numbers from 20 to 50.(example forty four)
Thu 12
Link to practice Imagine song 

Imagine there's no heavenIt's easy if you tryNo hell below usAbove us, only sky
Imagine all the peopleLivin' for todayAh
Imagine there's no countriesIt isn't hard to doNothing to kill or die forAnd no religion, too
Imagine all the peopleLivin' life in peaceYou
You may say I'm a dreamerBut I'm not the only oneI hope someday you'll join usAnd the world will be as one
Imagine no possessionsI wonder if you canNo need for greed or hungerA brotherhood of man
Imagine all the peopleSharing all the worldYou
You may say I'm a dreamerBut I'm not the only oneI hope someday you'll join usAnd the world will live as one

Wednesday 11
Homeschooling Lesson 4 page 56 ONLY
Monday 9
1.-Practice the verbs in the video
2.- Write a sentence using each verb of the list you write in your notebook.

Friday 6
A)Homeschooling page 40, Page 40 ONLY

B)Write the past tense of the verbs you studied on Thu Oct 5

Thursday 5
Study the following verbs

Eat- comer
run- correr
be-ser, estar
call- llamar
play-jugar, tocar (instrumento)
read- leer

Tuesday October 3
Study the numbers

*Monday 2
Organize the following words in alphabetical order:
  1. pipe
  2. snowball
  3. garden
  4. fence
  5. syrup
  6. winter
  7. puppy
  8. snowman
  9. sap
  10. library
B) study the prepositions of place, find what do they mean in Spanish.


* Thursday 28
Write a short sentence with each word.
Then translate the words in the list to Spanish

1.- little

*Wednesday 27
In your notebook.Fill the blank with the missing letter

1. Ga_den
2. _enc_
3. Y_rd
4. pu_ _y
5. _oo
7. Ki_
8. Hou_e

*Lunes 25 : En su cuaderno hacer un dibujo que ilustre el significado de cada palabra de la lección 3


Contestar Homeschooling page 24 

*Miércoles 20: HOMESCHOOLING
Favor de contestar el homeschooling de la página 8 con el siguiente audio

*Lunes 18 Sep:Escribir una oración con cada una de las siguientes palabras
  1. fire
  2. warm
  3. barn
  4. syrup
  5. sweet
  6. cabin
  7. socks
  8. boots
  9. sap
  10. stomp

*LUNES 11 Sep:Favor de imprimir o ayudar al alumno a hacer el siguiente cuadro con las reglas para separación silábica en Inglés (una hoja de máquina)

*Viernes 8 Sep: Redactar un texto utilizando el siguiente vocabulario:  
  1. snowball
  2. snowman
  3. carrot
  4. scarf
  5. winter
  6. coal
  7. oatmeal
  8. pipe
  9. gloves/mittens
  10. hat
  11. broom
  12. after
  13. before
  14. coat
  15. carrot
  16. rope

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